🎪 Welcome
We provide circus and slackline services for businesses and events as a vehicle for wellbeing.
Slacklining and circus skills are activities that put you into the same state and state of mind as one would achieve through yoga and meditation, however with these activities it is much easier to keep focused as they are very engaging and captivating.
Circus skills and Slacklining have so many positive benefits both physically and mentally and have been proven to boost happiness. These skills help improve balance, core strength, whilst exercising both sides of the body and brain, resulting in increased hand eye coordination.
In our workshops we incoorporate aspects of gymnastics, martial arts, yoga, parquor and group/team work making our activities and school very unique and diverse.
Having worked with.
- About us & our equipment.
About Lewis – Lewis has been Juggling and using a wide range of unusual circus props (Both LED and Fire) for over 15 years now and has performed in a variety of settings; on stage with live Dj’s, in Nightclubs, in group shows at festivals, As part of street shows (solo and in group), Fire shows at private parties and more. Lewis has also been a keen and active slackliner for the past 12 years. As well as this Lewis has been working as a care worker for the past 8 years. Lewis’s caring nature and attitude combined with his love and passion for circus skills and props make him the perfect candidate for running and managing the Circus school.
About Lola – Lola is quite likely one of the sweetest and kindest souls you will ever meet. She loves nothing more than taking care of others and making sure that everyone she meets is touched with her Love and kindness. Lola has worked as a Healthcare proffesional for over 12 years now and is an expert at taking care of those in need. Over the past 5 years Lola has become a very competent slackliner as well as becoming proficient at a number of circus skills, especially flower sticks, Levi sticks, Ribbons, poi and hoola hooping. Lola is also our lead Butterfly, watch how smoothly she flows with the butterfly wings, in seconds she has waves of children running after her in excitement. Lola is garuanteed to make your circus school experience a blissful and beautiful one with her lovely caring nature and energy.
- • Juggling balls
- • Juggling Clubs
- • Juggling scarves
- • Juggling rings
- • Flower sticks
- • Devil sticks
- • Plate spinning
- • Diablo
- • Gymnastic ribbons
- • Kendama
- • Levi sticks
- • Staff spinning
- • Hoola hoops
- • Rola Bola/Balance Board
- • Slacklines/Tight rope
- • Giant Bubbles
- • Butterfly Wings
- • LED Butterfly wings